After making the Cosmo bag, I was worried about the difficulty of the remaining bags. Well, the Reversible Shopper was MUCH easier than the Cosmo bag. Fewer curves, fewer pieces, and an easier method of turning the bag inside out. It came together really quickly. I think it's cute, although I must say, it is HUGE. Much bigger than I thought it would be.
Here are a few pictures!
Some topstitches on the pocket.
I find creating handles to be very satisfying!
The big reveal!
Here's one side of the reversible shopper.
And here's the other side. So cute...
And so, you can get a perspective on size, here's me with the new bag!
The only thing I changed was to opt not to create the narrow portion of the handle. I tried, but my sewing machine (which is a very good machine!) just did not want to go through that many layers. Actually, it was the thickness of the fabric, which would barely fit under the foot. Unless I did something wrong with creating the handles, I'm not sure what type of sewing machine would have been able to sew through that thickness.
So, next month is the Origami Bags. I already have some fabric lined up and am excited about it. I'm not sure what size(s) I will make yet, but will figure it out. One caveat...I've never done a zipper before...and I'm scared!