Monday, March 21, 2011

Signs of spring!

Spring is in the air!  I am not a cold-weather fan.  So, the fact that it is officially spring and that warm weather is on it's way makes me very, very happy.  There are definite signs of spring around our yard, including this gorgeous bunch of crocuses that seemed to pop up out of nowhere.

Although the warm weather is starting to come outside, I've still been busy inside doing various crafting projects.  I did have one big accomplishment today.  I picked up a framed cross-stitch project that I started over a year ago! I didn't quite have this finished by Easter last year, but I did finish it...and put off framing it until this year. 

I bought the pattern at this wonderful little store in Mifflinburg, Pa, called The Village Stitchery.  I bought it because I liked the little "jelly bean" beads that were sewn onto each corner.  I also liked the yellow bunny's tail, although that had to be sewn on several times after my son got a hold of it!  I got the framing done at Michael's.  The frame is supposedly intended to be a chalkboard, but I don't think I'll use it for that purpose.  I just wanted something bright and cheerful.

I'll admit it...I still have another Easter cross-stitch pattern that was supposed to be done last year.  I have a feeling it won't be done for this year's Easter either.  But you never know!!! more picture to celebrate that spring is here.  Yippee!

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